My Funny Valentine

Charlie: So have you picked out a special Valentine's Day gift for you girlfriend?
Billy: No, not yet. I’m still trying to decide what to get her.

Billy: I was thinking about giving her this cd that I don’t listen to anymore and a six pack of beer.
Charlie: Um, Billy, Valentine’s Day is generally thought of as a romantic day. Now, I don’t know your girlfriend, but I’m pretty sure that your old "Cheech & Chong Sing 100 Children Songs" cd and a pack of brewskies isn’t what she’s expecting. I thought you liked her.
Billy: I do!
Charlie: Well Cheech & Chong and beer certainly don’t say "love" to me.

Billy: Oooh man, what am I gonna do.
Charlie: Here’s a suggestion; go to the jewlery store and buy her a necklace. Something heart shaped is always nice, maybe a locket and have your names engraved in it. Then take her to dinner at a fancy restaraunt, and no, McDonald’s does not count.

Billy: Ah...right, I see what you mean...I think I know what to do now...
Charlie: Good, what are you going to do?
Billy: Well this Valentine thing sounds like it could get expensive, so I think I'm gonna dump the girl and buy myself pizza and beer instead!
Charlie: BILLY!!!


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