
Charlie: Billy are you all right?
Billy: I think I’ve got Tootsie Roll bugs in my ear again.
Charlie: Tootsie Roll bugs?
Billy: Yeah. They crawl into my ears when I’m sleeping and make themselves at home.

Billy: I have to stick those mini Tootsie Rolls in my ear to keep them happy otherwise they’ll gnaw on my brain.
Charlie: Fascinating
Billy: I’ll say! Do you want to know how many brains I had to go through before I figured that one out?

Billy: Ah wait....Shhhhh.... The Tootsie Roll bugs are issuing their demands, I must listen!

Billy: Yes, yes....I see.... the Tootsie Roll bugs say they want more Tootsie Rolls, a bottle of cough syrup and lox and bagels.
Charlie: Uh Bill, have you been drinking the city tap water again?
Billy: Hmmm....I’ll have to consult the Twizzler bugs that live in my sock drawer about that.
Charlie: Oh dear...
Billy: Yes honey?


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