Say It Ain't So

Ooooh what am I going to do? My uncle Ben and aunt Jemima are visiting me for two weeks. I wish they would go home already.

They’re not bad people but they insist on cooking for me and it’s awful. Uncle Ben serves rice with every meal and aunt Jemima pours maple syrup on everything! It’s fine on pancakes but I’ve gotta draw the line on puttin’ it on shrimp scampi.

Last night for dessert they made ice cream rice balls. I’m not kidding, Ben took a scoop of ice cream, rolled it in rice and then Jemima covered it in syrup. Everyone else in my family likes this stuff except for me.

I swear there must be some kind of mistake...I can’t possibly be related to them. Maybe I was adopted. That would explain why I don’t resemble anyone in my family. Mom says I take after great great great great grandpa Genghis Khan. But I have my doubts.


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