Stud Muffin

Interviewer: I heard you caused quite a stir at last night’s music awards with the outfit you wore. Even upstaged Elton.

Billy: I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. I mean hey, I’m a studmuffin, oozing with sex appeal. I’ve got it and I wanna flaunt it! I’ll wear whatever I please, and if it’s pink tights with a leather vest so be it! I’ve got a great butt and those tights accentuated it!

Audience Member: *shouts* The ballet school called, they want their tights back.

Billy: *hmmm* (thinking to himself) *Ballet...not a bad idea. I’ve got the tights, just need a tutu and slippers. It’d be good exercise and an outfit I could wear anywhere...even grocery shopping.*


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Do not cross me, or the smiley gets it