La Vita è Bella

I was on my Sea Doo XP the other day, gliding over the waves, pure freedom. I’m a real demon out there on the water. 360’s, wake jumping, the whole nine yards. You wouldn’t want to be my passenger, I’d throw ya right off.

Of course it runs out of gas. So I’m there trying to flag down a fellow boater to tow me. But nobody stops. Finally somebody did, the guy recognized me and goes "Hey, you’re Billy Joel aren’t you?" and I said "Yeah" then he said "You stink!" and he left.

Then I look down and see these dorsel fins in the water circling my boat. And I’m thinkin’, "oh great, sharks. This is all I need."

But then one of them jumped out of the water and I realized they were dolphins. So I grabbed the mooring line, roped a couple of them and they towed me back to shore. And wouldn’t you know it, there just happens to be a couple beautiful girls there, a brunette and a redhead. Chicks dig animals so they thought it was cool that these dolphins had towed my boat. We talked for a while and then went to McDonalds. Being 50 isn’t bad at all! I’ve got two hot girls who think I’m a dolphin trainer. Can life get any better?


Content by Mulholland Sound. All rights reserved.
Do not cross me, or the smiley gets it