Marshmallow Bunny Madness

On a sunny spring day, as Billy was relaxing at home, Marshmallow Bunny came to visit. “We need to talk right now, Mr. Billy Rock Star Man!" demanded Marshmallow Bunny. “You’ve been delighting in devouring my friends and family for far too long. This madness must end!" Billy glared at him and then replied "Hey, it’s your guys’ own fault, you taste too good. I can’t help it if the desire comes over me to do this..."

And with that Billy grabbed a bunny and ferociously bit his ears off! “NOOO!!!!" cried Marshmallow Bunny as he witnessed the utter horror of his friend being eaten alive.

"You’ll never get away with this! I’m gonna get my friends, and we'll teach you!" yelled Marshmallow Bunny. "Yeah, whatever" thought Billy.

But Marshmallow Bunny wasn’t bluffing. He returned with a group of friends...angry, feisty bunnies! "Ha! Ha!" Marshmallow Bunny laughed menacingly. "How does it feel to have YOUR ears bitten!"

Billy survived the vicious bunny attack with only a tattered ear. But that ear would serve as a constant reminder of the consequences of not heeding the warnings of the bunnies and thus giving him a new found respect for all marshmallow confections. From that point on, if Billy received a package of Marshmallow Bunnies in his Easter basket, he would promptly set them free so they could live out their lives in Bunnyland.

Disclaimer: Billy Joel with Marshmallow Bunny photos created with Photoshop 6.0. For entertainment purposes only.


Content by Mulholland Sound. All rights reserved.
Do not cross me, or the bunny gets it